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留言者 : 馬基偉 性別 : 女         
主題 : 中華民國百年慶 健康革命領新潮 人氣指數 : 9832
發表時間 : 2010/1/9 上午 10:54:33   

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中華民國百年慶 健康革命領新潮 健康經濟判斷力 健康奧運決策力
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29 October 2009
The Hon Kevin Rudd MP
Prime Minister
Parliament House
Dear Prime Minister,

Shaping a Healthy and Wealthy Future for Australia

I would like to firstly congratulate you on your election promise to face the challenge of improving the health of Australians.

My “Health Olympic Australia” project will not only assist the Australian Government to shape a better health system for Australians but will also improve the general health of Australians. This will put Australia in a strong position for long term wealth generation and prosperity.

Since taking over the leadership of the Australian Labor Party and leading the party to victory in the 2007 election, you have gone on to fulfill your election promise to appoint the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission (the Commission). The Commission has recently produced the Interim Report which sets out the National Health and Hospitals Reform Plan. This has provided a blueprint for tackling future challenges to the Australian health system including:

• The rapidly increasing burden of chronic disease;
• The ageing of the population;
• Rising health costs; and
• Inefficiencies exacerbated by cost shifting and “the blame game”.

The following areas were explored in the report:

• GP Super Clinics;
• Aged care;
• Preventive health;
• Severe problems in our health system;
• Rural health;
• Indigenous health; and
• Dental health,

The “Health Olympic Australia” project is based on an experimental trial to prove the results of “The China Study”.

“The China Study” is a 2005 book by T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., an outspoken vegan and his son, Thomas M. Campbell II. Dr. Campbell is a professor of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University and one of the directors of the China Project. The book examines the relationship between the consumption of animal products and illnesses such as cancers of the breast, prostate, and large bowel, diabetes, coronary heart disease, obesity, autoimmune disease, osteoporosis, degenerative brain disease, and macular degeneration.

“The China Study” referred to in the title is the outcome of “The China Project”, a "survey of death rates for twelve different kinds of cancer in over 2,400 counties and 880 million (96%) of their citizens" conducted jointly by Cornell University, Oxford University, and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine over the course of twenty years.

The "China study" refers to the eight principles of food and health:

• Nutrition represents the combined activities of countless food substances;
• Vitamin supplements are not a panacea for good health;
• There are virtually no nutrients in animal-based foods that are not better provided by plants;
• Genes do not determine disease on their own, they must be activated or expressed, and nutrition plays a critical role in determining which genes, good and bad, are expressed;
• Nutrition can substantially control the adverse effects of noxious chemicals;
• The same nutrition that prevents disease in its early stages can also halt or reverse it in its later stages;
• Nutrition that is beneficial for a particular chronic disease will support good health across the board; and
• Good nutrition creates health in all areas of our existence.

The authors state that their views and the bases for the above principles are scientific research, and that much of the evidence is obtained from human studies. One such human study, “The China Study” is a comprehensive study of dietary and lifestyle factors associated with disease mortality in China, comparing the health consequences of diets rich in plant-based foods to diets very rich in plant-based foods among people who are genetically similar. The authors assert that the statistical evidence is strengthened by knowledge about how bodily processes are related to diet in a biologically plausible way, and they refer to this knowledge as the mechanism of action.

The “China Study” Clinical Trial I conducted was based on a 95 year old lady, who participated in a two year health improvement trial from August 2007 to September 2009. The trial involved living in accordance with the principles of “The China Study” to determine whether the principles would result in improved health outcomes claimed by the authors of “The China Study”.

The "China Study" Clinical Trial was scientifically successful by two meaningful demonstrations. The first of a chemistry blood test to all organs, it shows the results as good as the young people; and the second meaningful health improvement in physical capabilities.

There are several numbers parts of health improvement and physical capabilities demonstrating as follow:
• The 97 year old lady in question is now permanently free from her heart problem medication.
• Her long term age cough gradually less and less, and finally stop a few months ago..
• She did not ask to buy any more of pain relief paste for at least six months (she needs numbers time each month for her rheumatoid arthritis knees).
• She is able to pick up small particle as small as a needle or a peace of rice from the mat in front of the kitchen (she only see our faces not clear two years ago).
• She previously required the support of a walking stick to stand for some years, She is now able to stand up and walk comfortably for a significant distance (30 to 50 meters) without the aid of a walking stick.
• She is now able to walk down the stairs (10 stairs per floor) from the 5th floor (40 steps in total) of a building without stopping and without heavy breathing. It was surprising to see that she had her walking stick under her left arm instead to use it to stand on the ground to support her body, and with her left hand she held a bag with her personal effects that about weighed 2kg.

Finally on 28 September 2009 she was able to pull a 20kg wheeled bag over 30 metres to travel from Zhuhai port China (next to Macau) back to Hong Kong unassisted.

The “Health Olympic Australia” project model is covered under one Australian standard patent application filed in 2005, with two additional provisional applications filed in 2008. The project team has participated in:

• The Guangzhou Overseas Chinese Scholars Science and Technology Convention (December 2006, 2007 and 2008);
• China Patent Week (November 2008); and
• The Great Hall of China National Inventors Forum Beijing China (21-23 April 2009). A project DVD was provided to the daughter of Deng Xiao Ping (The engineer of China’s economic reform), in an effort to promote an economic cooperation link between China and Australia.

Recently we have been invited by APHA (the American Public Health Association) to participate in one of their forums under the section of Alternative and Complementary Health Practices scheduled for early November 2009 to ‘Identify a Health Olympic Spring’ to the World Health Organizations’ (WHO) Third Health Revolution Approaches, with the objective being: An application model for preventative health movement that might speed up the progress of social, economic and environment development to overcome the problems of human health. For us (Australia Invention) to play an active part we require the assistance from the Australian Government. Without Australian Government support we will not be able to accept and attend the APHA forum. (Refer to attached information).

“Health Olympic Australia” might provide Australia with the opportunity to win the Nobel Peace Prize as it will, with the cooperation of the Taiwanese government, result in democracy in China and the peaceful re-unification of China and Taiwan. This will be achieved by Australian grain powder instead of gun powder in response to the calls of the “WHO’s Third World Health Revolution” to provide equal opportunities for everyone to gain his/her health and wealth. The 1.3 billion Chinese people would be the beneficiaries of the “WHO’s Third World Health Revolution” and a democratic China. Finally the goal of the free world since the Second World War to live in a world without communism can be achieved. Communism has existed for over 60 years, and is getting stronger (at least in China’s case) and will continue if it is not weeded out. This was a concern of the Bush Administration.

“Health Olympic Australia” might also be Australia’s opportunity to win a Nobel Prize in Economics if Australia was the first nation to pioneer the use of our grain powder to meet the WHO recommendation to consume 60% in healthy grain foods as a part of our daily intake to maintain good health. This will allow Australia to lead the world in the creation of health and wealth to benefit the citizens of the world.

Prime Minister, the steps that will allow Australia to pioneer in achieves the worlds “Health Economy” is by Australia:

• Inventing health improvement patterns;
• Growing high antioxidant healthy grains and plants;
• Manufacturing high antioxidant healthy grain powder products;
• Exporting its health improvement knowledge and pattern; and
• Exporting health improvement resources (including human resources).

Now that Australia is being led by a progressive Labor government, let’s grasp this “Health Olympic Australia” opportunity to not only shape Australia’s health system, but to improve the health of Australians and the rest of the world. This in turn will allow us to further improve the long term wealth of Australia and the world.

I have enclosed the “Health Olympic China Spring” DVD for your viewing and hope that you will be inspired by the “Health Olympic Australia” plan and provide support so that firstly we will be able to attend the APHA forum and to secondly provide support in our application for the Australian Research Council’s “The Future Fellowship”. This will allow Australia to pioneer “Health Olympic Australia” under your leadership and shape Australia’s agricultural, manufacturing, social and economic development. Australia will lead the world in the achievement of a newly discussing “Health Economy”.

Prime Minister, this could also be Australia’s best opportunity to simultaneously win a Nobel peace prize and a Nobel Prize for Economics. I urge you to agree to allow this unprecedented project to happen under the leadership your Labor government.

More information can be viewed on the internet at (馬基偉) (中國健康奧運春天),和(中華民國重生頌).

The highest regards

Ma Kee Wai

(Member of the Queensland Inventor Association since 1993).

A short note about the writer:
Note to the writer:

He is the son of a Second World War Veteran who was a Lieutenant General of the 16 term Whampoa Military Academy China(黃埔陸軍官校16期畢業生,a classmate of retired Taiwan Generals許曆農,朱致遠,言百谦and retired Defence Minister蔣仲苓).

On January 1956, 53 years ago, as a 9 year old boy he stood beside the body of his 38 year old father who was shot dead by Communist soldiers in a bloodbath of ten Whampoa Military Academy officers on a hilltop in the outskirts of Guangzhou China. He promised himself he was not going to cry in front of family members(His mother accompanied him at that time) to show his strength, but also promised himself he will find why and fight for justice. He cries at night when he is alone, has done so for the past 53 years, for his murdered father.

He found the truth in the course of the “Health Olympic China Spring” as part of the research on the Chinese government while researching in the Zhuhai Technology Park, China. He found out why his young father had been shot dead and he should also cry for the 3.8 million soldiers who were killed defending their mother land, the Republic of China, against Japanese invasion in the Second World War. They then were defeated by the Communists who then set about systematically weeding out members of the Nationalist army in criminal actions over 60 years in power, leaving millions of family members to suffer terrible hardship from generation to generation (奴二代傳窮二代).

In fact there were 0.12 billion lives directed or indirectly killed by the Communist regime. Consider the suffering of the fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, children and relatives of the 0.12 billion victims in the past, present and future during the 60 years the Communist regime has been in power that creating the Bureaucracy Rich Generation Net(杈二代傳富二代), and had been systematically manipulated the Four Invisible Mountains (四座大山) and to pressure on top of all citizens lives.

He found himself in a political roar, he must departure for the shake of live risk from Zhuhai Technology Park, China (life risk situation occurred), he made up his mind to promise those 0.12 billion who had been killed during the 60 years of criminal actions of the Communist Regime, and promised to speak out on the terrible hardship and unfairness not only to those affected but their family and relatives. This include the 36,000 family members of the Whampoa Military Academy (黃埔陸軍官校), the 3.8 million lost lives of the Republic of China’s (ROC中華民國) soldiers and their families; and the hardship imposed on the Cultural Revolution Students who had lost the opportunity for better education and hence have become today’s Poor Second Generation, their children then becoming the Poor Third Generation of China.

He managed to avoid the navy patrol boat that shot at everyone in the water during the two night swim, escaping from Zhuhai to Macau in 1968, to escape the Cultural Revolution (1966-1968), where every student was sent to the countryside or remote areas to undertake long hours of farm work with little food and a negligible annual pay (unlike the regular wage of Australia’s pay system).

That’s unthinkable inhuman way to treat humans, it really terrible hardship for those young teen who lived in cities, at time only to use brain and mind to get on study, but not as animals could have been do as seen as a naturally reaction under the owner of the animals to shout at them, in order to used every part of mussel in their body to achieve the order motions to work on..

Thereafter, he crossed the Pearl River border into Hong Kong and stayed there for 6 years, before he found the opportunity to visit Australia in 1974, (thanks to the Labor Prime Minister (1974) Gough Whitlam open the door for visitors freely to visit Australia, and the then The Liberal Prime Minister (1975) Malcolm Fraser who allowed visitors to become Australia Resident. Over the 35 years, he would never forget them that gave him the freedom life opportunities in Australia. He has been happy to be an Australian citizen enjoying his freedom of life.

Now he wanted to do his best to help those lost freedom under the hardship circumstance and cry for their Dad, Mum, Sisters, Brothers and those young children who lost their families under the impose of communism system to win their democratic life with the potential of “Health Olympic Australia” grain powder power.

Since 1988, he has undertaken innovative work involved in the invention of water and energy saving hydroponics, and has achieved worldwide patents in the UK, US, Australia and ten other nations. Thereafter, he continued his research and created inventions relating to improving one’s health through plant products during his stay in the Tasmanian TechnoPark from 2000-2005. From 2007, he had spent two and a half years on The "China study" Clinical Trial in China to test Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s The "China study". Through this process, the “Health Olympic China Spring” project was invented; the invention setting a practical model in real terms to achieve Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s scientific research.

He realized “WHO’s Third World Health Revolution” would achieve the goal to spark the democratic fire through the start up of a “Health Olympic”. Whichever nation starts this, every other nation will want to emulate that nation, just like the beginnings of the “Olympic Games”. The “Health Olympics” will be much bigger in scale than the “Olympic Games”, as it benefits everyone and stimulates health and wealth creation.


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