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留言者 : 宋盈盈 性別 : 女         
主題 : Silent Love 人氣指數 : 2813
發表時間 : 2001/2/3 下午 07:20:20   

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She tears
upon that water without sound
She feels
Alone, shall come fulfilment to her dreams
She desires
The need of some motherlands of love on your paths
Return no more, where?
Only in silent shadows and in dreams?
Shall she not find in comforts of the sun
The day is like wide water, without sound
Over the seas, to silence
And next in glory to enduring love
A mind of winter
has been cold for a long time
Your love distant glitter it

Which is the sound of the land
For the listener, who listens in the wind
And, nothing itself
Nothing that is not there
and the nothing that is
Just as my fingers make music
On my spirit make a music
Music is feeling, then not sound
And thus, it is that what I feel
Here in the room, desiring you
Thinking of your sunny silk
It is like green evening, clear and warm
Bath in your rose garden
While the red eyes watching, blue heart feeling
I am searching
The touch of spirits
And found

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