香港 - 香港衞生署控煙辦公室 www.tco.gov.hk - 香港防癆心臟及胸病協會 www.ha.org.hk/org/antitb/default.htm - 爭氣行動 www.cleartheair.org.hk - 香港大學護理學院戒煙服務及研究項目 www3.hku.hk/quitnow - 香港大學公共衛生學院 sph.hku.hk/en/index.php - 醫院管理局戒煙輔導服務計劃 www.ha.org.hk - 東華三院戒煙綜合服務中心 icsc.tungwahcsd.org - 博愛中醫戒煙服務 www.pokoi.org.hk - 基督教聯合那打素社康服務 www.ucn.org.hk - 香港防癌會 www.hkacs.org.hk - 香港癌症基金會 www.cancer-fund.org - 生活教育活動計劃 www.leap.com.hk - 無煙俱樂部 (基督教聯合那打素社康服務) www.smokefreeclubhk.com
國際 - 世界衛生組織無煙草行動 - 煙草控制框架公約 - MPOWER www.who.int/tobacco/en www.who.int/fctc/en www.who.int/tobacco/mpower/flyer/en/index.html - 世界健肝基金會 worldlungfoundation.org - 世界心臟病聯盟 www.worldheart.org - GLOBALink - Global Tobacco Control www.globalink.org - 世界癌症研究基金會(國際) www.wcrf.org/index.php - 國際癌症研究組織 www.iarc.fr/index.php - International Network of Women Against Tobacco www.inwat.org - Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco www.srnt.org - International Union Against Cancer www.uicc.org - International Non-Governmental Coalition Against Tobacco www.ingcat.org
中國及大中華區 - 中國疾病預防控制中心 - 控煙辦公室 www.notc.org.cn - 中國控制吸煙協會 www.catcprc.org.cn - 財團法人董氏基金會 www.jtf.org.tw - 無煙澳門 www.smokefree.org.mo
歐洲 - Action on Smoking and Health (UK) www.ash.org.uk - British Heart Foundation (UK) www.bhf.org.uk - European Network on Young People and Tobacco (Finland) www.ktl.fi - Office of Tobacco Control (Ireland) www.otc.ie - Smokefree Environment Norway www.roykfritt.no
北美區 - Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids (USA) www.tobaccofreekids.org - Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights no-smoke.org - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USA) www.cdc.gov/tobacco - American Cancer Society www.cancer.org - Americian Lung Association www.lungusa.org - Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada www.smoke-free.ca - Canadian Council on Tobacco Control www.cctc.ca - Action on Smoking and Health (USA) www.ash.org - Health Canada - Tobacco www.hc-sc.gc.ca - Ontario Tobacco Research Unit (Canada) www.otru.org - National Cancer Institute - Tobacco (USA) www.cancer.gov - American Lung Association www.lungusa.org - National Center for Tobacco-Free Kids (USA) www.tobaccofreekids.org
南美區 - Brazilian National Cancer Institute - Tobacco Control www.inca.gov.br/english/tobacco_control.html
亞太區 - Quit-Victoria www.quit.org.au - Action on Smoking and Health (New Zealand) www.ash.org.nz - Singapore Health Promotion Board www.hpb.gov.sg - Korean Association of Smoking and Health www.kash.or.kr - Action on Smoking and Health (Australia) www.ashaust.org.au - Australia Council on Smoking and Health www.acosh.org