§討論區§ 廟宇搜尋 媽祖聖籤 即時影像
頭彩商店 觀音求籤 優惠訊息 幸運號碼
熱門APP 笑話大全 名言佳句 生活博士
發表:lebeka蕾貝卡2014/12/14 上午 05:44:56
LINE 熊大造型~鞋子款 / 靴子款零錢包~
LINE 熊大造型~鞋子款 / 靴子款零錢包 有附掛鉤 , 可掛在包包上喔~ ∼售價200 全新! 詳情請到 : 露天拍賣~ l e b e k a 2092 ( 蕾貝卡上質美人名媛時尚 )去看看喔 !




回應者: Keli
這是第 1 篇回應文章
That is my concern as well. There seems to be a singular focus on an industrial facility damaged by a natural event with zero resulting casualities. Yet not a word (in the popular media) about the Okura dam (i.e., &q;wtureneoable" energy)collapse that wiped out an entire village of 1,800 people, the one bullet train washed out to sea that killed hundreds, the oil refineries that burned for weeks in the Tokyo area. Compared to all the caterwauling about the Fukushima "disaster", there has been deafening silence about the real disasters. I wonder why that is...?
§討論區§ 廟宇搜尋 媽祖聖籤 即時影像
頭彩商店 觀音求籤 優惠訊息 幸運號碼
熱門APP 笑話大全 名言佳句 生活博士